Artistic Illustration

Pen and Ink

I've made several illustrations over the years in pen and ink, mostly on subjects that interest me. These subjects are usually structures that fascinated me. So I would draw them first as a sketch on a 17" x 22" pebble finish board lightly with a soft pencil and finished them with technical pens.
I prefer technical pens because the line widths are set and ink flow is smooth and consistent. Also I liked to add small details to my inkings, like a trail of ants on the ground or small birds and their nest or children fishing from a small boat, none of these show up here of course, they are details that are designed to get the viewer to closely examine the picture.

My art reflects life and since life is never only the large object of our attention I always incorporate these small details which in my mind gives it a more realistic atmosphere, like looking in on a split second of reality.

I have done many illustrations, everything from dungeons and monsters for gaming modules to scientific and neurological instruments, if there is one thing I really like to's draw.


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Martin Vowell
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